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Sold Subject to Contract
Strategic Development Land Holne Road
Buckfastleigh, Devon TQ11 0BJ
United Kingdom
CODE 5587
Residential Development Potential - Subject to Planning
Offers for the Freehold purchase of the land or Option/Promotion Agreement terms are to be submitted by Noon on Thursday 8th December.

The site comprises a sloping and broadly rectangular shaped parcel of agricultural pastureland which borders the existing settlement of Buckfastleigh. The land is bound by mature hedgerows and benefits from a direct road access to the east off Holne Road. The land borders an area of mature woodland to the south. The land extends to approximately 4.28 acres (1.73 hectares).

The parcel of land is situated within the Local Planning Authority of Dartmoor National Park for which policy governing planning decisions is dictated by the Dartmoor Local Plan 2018-2036. The Local Plan was adopted on 3 December 2021. The site was previously identified with an Allocation for residential development under Local Plan policy BCK2. The full policy requirement for BCK2 was "An area of land 1.7 ha in extent adjacent to Holne Road, Buckfastleigh, is allocated for housing, not less than 50% of which should be affordable housing to meet identified local needs". The site was also retained for housing in the consultation final draft of the Dartmoor Local Plan (Regulation 19) which identifies a development of around 28 homes.

A planning application was submitted by Burrington Estates in 2018 for an open market scheme on site - "0452/18 - Residential development for up to 30 dwellings together with associated highways and drainage infrastructure, open space and landscaping'. This application was subject to a Refusal in September 2020 on the basis of absence of any on-site affordable housing provision and without adequate ecological survey information. Please see the decision notice and officers report for further details.

As part of the current adopted plan 'BCK2 Housing land at Holne Road' has been superseded and 'Replaced by Proposal 7.6 Land at Timbers Road, Buckfastleigh' which benefits from an allocation for 70 dwellings. The Local Plan also references 'site 7.5' which is an allocation for 26 homes at Barn Park, Buckfastleigh. As such the allocation for the subject land has fallen away.

An information pack is available upon request.

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William Matthews
Olympus House, Olympus Park Quedgeley, Gloucester GL2 4NF
01452 880152
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