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Sold Subject to Contract
Residential Development Opportunity Kennel Lane Land At Broadwell
Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire GL56 0TJ
United Kingdom
Category Development
CODE 6559
FOR SALE - Land with Outline Planning Permission for 3 no. Dwellings

The site extends to approximately 0.15 acres (0.06 hectares) and comprises a former garage site which is now a part tarmac and part concrete area of parking. Residential properties bound the site to the south-west, Kennel Lane to the east, and woodland/pasture to the north. Existing access to the site is achieved via a minor bell mouth entrance located off Kennel Lane, providing both vehicular and pedestrian access. In addition to the pedestrian access found to the main entrance of the site, a further pedestrian link is located along the south-west boundary connecting to The Leasows.

The subject site benefits from Outline Planning Permission which is outlined below:

23/00418/OUT- Outline application for the erection of 3 dwellings including details of access (some matters reserved). Permitted on the 1th December 2023.

The site is offered For Sale by Informal Tender with unconditional offers invited.

Offers are to be submitted to Jack Moulsdale by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Noon on Wednesday 20th March 2024.

Offers are invited in excess of £250,000.

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Jack Moulsdale
Olympus House, Olympus Park Quedgeley, Gloucester GL2 4NF
01452 880141
These particulars are intended as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility. Intending purchasers or tenants should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of all statements and representations before entering into any agreement. No employee or partner of Bruton Knowles has authority to make or give any representation or warranty in relation to the property.